Aldrian Obaja’s Homepage
I am currently working as a data scientist at a startup, working on designing the mechanism for the product that we are building.
Prior to that, I finished my master’s study at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), working on low-resource event-type detection under the supervision of Teruko Mitamura and Eduard Hovy
My interest is mainly on understanding why things happen, and as of now it is on problems related to language technology.
I have previously worked on entity recognition using hypergraph-based models, under the supervision of Lu Wei.
Being trained as a mathematician, I am particularly proud of my work on proving the linear-time complexity of a model my colleague proposed for entity recognition (see Efficient Dependency-guided Named Entity Recognition).
I also enjoy teaching, and is considering to do PhD to better qualify myself for teaching positions, although I am interested in research industry positions as well (see my CV for my work experience)